TruLife’s Cyber Attack Experience Explained - cover blog picture

TruLife’s Cyber Attack Experience Explained

Success attracts evil. It’s just one of the odd ways that the world works. When a company manages to put out a genuinely good product or service and establishes a quality name for itself, it isn’t long before those who love to take advantage of others come knocking.

Some time ago, the cybercriminals who lurk in the dark corners of the internet came after TruLife’s brand in a concerted attempt to poach, intimidate, and bully our clients for personal information. Operating across international borders, these criminals attempted to abduct the TruLife brand and pose as the company. From there tried to weasel information out of anyone they could get in contact with.

The attack was quickly identified by our founder Brian Gould who immediately took steps to defuse the situation. However, as is often the case with brand-based identity attacks of this nature, though we identified potential sources, it has proven more than difficult to completely eliminate the threat.

While our legal team continues to take steps to address the situation to the best of our ability, we wanted to go beyond this behind-the-scenes activity. Our goal with this post is to share our experience in the hopes of helping others, including many of our clients, avoid a similar one.

A more thorough breakdown of the cyber-attack has been posted by our legal team. However, in summation, for the last several months, a competitor has been masquerading as TruLife in order to illegally disguise themselves as company employees to send emails to various TruLife clients. These emails demanded endorsements from client that included things like:

  • Leaving a 5-star review on Google My Business or Trust Pilot.
  • Liking a video and watching it for at least 60 seconds.
  • Visiting our website and adding it as a bookmark.
  • Liking our Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn pages.

Obviously no company would demand this type of behavior from its clients — especially one that values its customers as much as we do at TruLife. Naturally, the false emails, arriving out of the blue in people’s inboxes, sparked a backlash of negative feedback from those who didn’t see through the scam.

In addition, the names “Jatinder Signh” and “Tariq Kahn” have been used in association with the TLD brand. Neither of these individuals is associated with our company in any way whatsoever and any communications from them should be duly disregarded.

This experience has led to endless headaches for the TruLife team as we’ve waded through countless emails, cleared up perceived damage to our reputation, and done everything in our power to reduce the negative consequences of this attack against our good name.

While we are weathering the storm to the best of our ability on our end, we wanted to also post something to help shed light on the experience in a more public venue as well. Our hope is to head off further damage caused by the cyberattack. Additionally, we want to provide you, our readers, with a chance to vicariously experience what an attack of this nature looks like without having to go through the event yourselves.

In other words, the goal in sharing this information is to better prepare each and every one of you to be on your guard against any similar events taking place to you or your companies in the future. We guarantee you that it is our sincerest hope that this is never ever the case.


The TruLife Team
